RHC Serve Toronto: Closing Remarks

Posted by Redemption Hill on

 “For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord. For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God.”

[1 Thessalonians 3:8-9]

It has been an immense blessing from God to serve alongside Trinity Life Church in Toronto. These brothers and sisters are striving hard after the glory of Christ in one of the most unreached cities in North America, and God is moving. We have seen the grace of God at work as we served with them, shared the gospel with unbelievers in the city, and worshipped with Trinity Life Church on Sunday morning. The hunger our brothers and sisters at Trinity Life have for God is contagious and was a blessing to our team throughout the trip. We pray that our feeble efforts to expand the Kingdom while we were there will be felt, and we return with a great joy in what the Lord is doing through this partner church.

While in Toronto we were reminded of God’s global pursuit of His glory. The nations are represented in Toronto in such a way that Caucasian peoples could often times be classified as the minority. It was so encouraging to serve and worship with such a diverse group of believers and doing so stirred in us a longing for the day when all peoples will worship Christ in His full glory. Continue to pray for Trinity Life Church as they engage a city that is as diverse as any city in the world. Pray that any cultural barriers would be shattered as they proclaim the excellence of the glory of Christ.

Our goals in going to serve with Trinity Life Church were to catch the vision of what God is doing in the city, scatter much gospel seed, serve with excellence, and foster greater community among our team. By God’s grace, we were able to see each of these goals accomplished. Thank you for praying for us as we served, and continue to pray for our church as we long to faithfully partner with Trinity Life as they seek the glory of Christ in Toronto. 

Joel Smith 

